The Gospel Herald -- Promoting the fundamentals of the 1888 message.



Rebellion in Heaven
What Caused the Trouble?
Satan's Disaffection
Adam's Dominion
Dominion is Usurped
On Which Side are We?
The World a Theatre
The Case of Job
Satan Before God
Job's Integrity
The Lesson
Christ's Gift
The Climax
God's Government Vindicated
Concluding Thoughts
Obey the Laws
A Special Message
        In the experience of Christ Himself on this earth we have an example of the working out of God's plan of government. The charge Satan brought in the beginning was that God was arbitrary, determined to have His own way, that He did not love any one. And when Satan had turned man aside from the way of truth, and was holding him in slavery, yet "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
        By the gift of His Son God proved that there was love in His government, and that by love He desired to have His will done. In the love He had toward His created beings He gave His only begotten Son to make it possible that His will should be done on the earth. Christ came to this earth to work out this plan, that man might be loyal to God if he chose.
        Then you see that when Christ came, it was the climax of the controversy.

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