The Gospel Herald

“THE GOLDEN CHAIN” and Its Broken Link

Some Insights into the Humanity of Christ


This book was written to meet what I thought was a need: a defense of Ellen White’s integrity. Are her writings confusing and self-contradictory on the humanity of Christ? Some think so.

Can the so-called, apparent contradictions be resolved? My answer to that question is yes. I suggest four certainties:

  1. The Bible teachings are not self-contradictory.
  2. Ellen White’s writings do not contradict Scripture.
  3. Neither are her writings self-contradictory.
  4. The “message of Christ’s righteousness” brought to us in the 1888 era is the true context of most of her remarks about the humanity of Christ, and is in remarkable harmony with both Scripture and her writings.

I might add a fifth point:

When we as a people come to true heart-felt unity in understanding and proclaiming this “message of Christ’s righteousness,” great power will be manifest in the closing proclamation of “the third angel’s message in verity.” If this is true, it would follow that the questions discussed here are of tremendous importance.

The full and eternal divinity of Christ is assumed to be understood. Our only problem to discuss here is what kind of humanity Christ “took” or “assumed” in His incarnation. That He retained His divinity in His incarnation is not questioned. Again, His perfect sinlessness is assumed.

I believe that the fine-honed accuracy of Ellen White’s many statements on this subject is itself a powerful evidence that her mind was controlled by the Holy Spirit. The paradoxes demonstrate that she took her own advice seriously to be “careful, exceedingly careful as to how you dwell upon the human nature of Christ” She did not avoid the subject, and neither should we, for she says it “is everything to us.” She picked her way unerringly through this dangerous minefield where careless theologians stumble. This is a remarkable evidence of her calling as the Lord’s messenger.

If “the humanity of the Son of God is everything to us,” “the golden chain that binds our souls to Christ, and through Christ to God,” there must be no “broken link” in the chain. The full implications of His humanity must not be downgraded in the slightest. A world populated with billions of people for whom He died is waiting to “see” the Saviour as “nigh at hand,” One who saves from sin, not in sin. May Seventh-day Adventists rediscover the joy of seeing Him thus.

Where there is sincere perplexity which hinders the message being brought before the world, I hope that this study may help by clearing up apparent difficulties. The “golden chain that binds our souls . … to God” must be complete. The humanity of Christ is a practical godliness truth related to the accomplishment of the Lord’s purpose in human hearts—a preparation for His return. For that, a correct view becomes extremely important.

Though some may be tempted to doubt that it will ever be possible for us all to agree on this subject, Ellen White has left us a precious promise that such perfect unity will yet be attained by God’s people: “Although possessing different temperaments and dispositions, they will see eye to eye in all matters of religious belief. They will speak the same things, they will have the same judgment, they will be one in Christ Jesus” (Historical Sketches, 1886), p. 124.

I dedicate this book to that cause of harmony and unity “in Christ”

Robert J. Wieland

Read the Introduction—Why This Subject Is Important

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