The Greatest Problem God Has Had in 6000 YearsGood people don’t go to heaven as soon as they die. Instead they wait in the grave for a corporate first resurrection. Not even Ellen White will go to heaven on her own. But the first resurrection requires that Jesus Himself come a second time. But He can’t, until His living people are ready. “Our God is a consuming fire” to sin (Hebrews 12:29). If He were to come while there is sin in our hearts, we would be “consumed.” He loves us too much to do that to us. How can the impasse be solved? Bandaids won’t work—not any longer. Christ says that the main problem is deep—it lies with the “angel” of the church, its leadership. The topic discussed in this book is arousing deep interest worldwide amd is electrifying the church. The author has served the church for 63 years as pastor, missionary, administrator, and publishing house editor. He holds current, honorary ministerial credentials from the Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Corporate Repentance: Plea of the True Witness Foreward — by Donald K. Short Chapter 1 — A FAX Direct From Heaven Chapter 2 — Not a Word of Praise From Jesus! Chapter 3 — The Fundamental Truth: Christ's Church As His Corporate Body Chapter 4 — The Disappointed Christ Chapter 5 — The Lord's Most Serious Problem of the Ages Chapter 6 — A First In Human History: A Day of Atonement Repentance Chapter 7 — Christ's Repentance for Sins He Never Committed Chapter 8 — How Christ Called the Ancient Jews to Repentance Chapter 9 — How the Ancient Jewish Nation Sealed Their Doom Chapter 10 — The Urgency of Christ's Call to Repent Chapter 11 — The Practical Problem: How Can a Church of Millions of Members Repent? Chapter 12 — What Our Denominational History Tells Us Chapter 13 — Corporate Repentance: Path to Christlike Love Appendix A — A Repentance of Ministers and Their Families Appendix B — Laodicea Is Not Doomed Appendix C— Ezekiel 18 And Corporate Guilt
The author has served the church for many decades as pastor, missionary, administrator, and publishing house editor. He holds current, honorary ministerial credentials from the Pacific Union Conference. |
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