The Mystery of 1888
Much more could be compiled for this study but to what advantage? It would seem to be futile to publish any more books on the 1888 era. Too much has already been postulated which cannot be supported by history. It is the conflicting views of men that has built up the great mystery of 1888. But there are some things which can be done.
- If "the Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones," then let us examine that message very carefully and make a plan for "His people" to get the message. The Lord sent the message. We have no right to try to stop it or in any way to discredit the men who brought it. They had "credentials from heaven" and what they brought was the beginning of the latter rain and loud cry. Let them speak. This will obviate trying to compile what we may think their message was and it will, if we are honest, remove the spirit of censure and criticism which is all too frequently indulged against them.
- Let the Lord's messenger speak! Let us lay aside A. G. Daniells, and N. F. Pease, and L. H. Christian, and A. W. Spalding, and W. H. Branson, and A. V. Olson, and L. E. Froom, singly and collectively and all the 1000 pages and more that they have written about 1888. And then lay aside Robert J. Wieland and Donald K. Short, who perhaps should head the list for discarding. There is one more. The Ellen G, White Estate must also be laid aside. The one who must now speak without repress, without comment, without interpretation or any explanation of intent is the Lord's messenger to the Remnant Church, Ellen G. White. Let the dialogue of men be silent and let the Lord speak through her pen. This need not desecrate the memory of any who have gone before us. They have been men like ourselves and if anything in our lives and experience could be a help to the church, surely we would want and urge that it be made known as a warning to all. Furthermore this is not to depreciate or impugn any man or group of men but rather to carefully measure our relationship to the precious message sent to us and to know the Lord who came near at that special time but had to turn back. This means there is a need for the following material to be gathered out and arranged in chronological order in three categories and made available to the leadership, and undoubtedly to many laity who have a growing insatiable desire for light:
- All documents, published and unpublished, that refer specifically by name to Minneapolis.
- All documents, published and unpublished, that refer specifically to Minneapolis by implication.
- All documents, published and unpublished, which in context refer to the spirit manifested at and following the Minneapolis Conference which would include the role Laodicea has played and will play until repentance comes.
Such a compilation would cancel the opinions of men. It would be what the Lord has said to us about ourselves.
- Should such a compilation be considered too formidable and require too much time to complete, at least something towards it could be done even though not an exhaustive study. The immediate crisis demands that some statements in each category be compiled without delay. More than twenty years ago this suggestion was put forward but the hour has come now when it must be pressed and given priority!
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The mystery of 1888 must be resolved, Man cannot do it but the Lord can. We need only to accept what He has told us about our history and this need not wait for a future generation. The universe has waited long enough. It is time for the atonement to be completed. The judgment for which Jesus came into the world needs to be finished. Can we see ourselves as He sees us? Can we confess that we are blind? If we can, we have the promise of Jesus that He came into this world in order "that they which see not might see." |