The Mystery of 1888IntroductionThis compilation has been prepared by Donald K. Short, upon invitation as a member of a special committee authorized by the General Conference. It has been compiled for Seventh-Day Adventists and in particular leaders and ministers who should have a rather full knowledge of Adventist history and an understanding of the Spirit of Prophecy and the teachings that make "us" a people in the final generation of the world. Certain guidelines were provided for the study. These were given special attention in due course, along with numerous other relevant factors. The focal point of the entire study is the Minneapolis Conference of 1888. This event in "our" church history demands a correct understanding. For too long there has been uncertainty and lack of unity. The great importance of this session is not based on the acceptance or rejection of a "doctrine" by few, some, or many, but on the question whether the Latter Rain and Loud Cry was recognized and received or spurned and rejected. Has the church entered into that unity of purpose and love commensurate with its divine destiny? Really what did "we see" in 1888 and what do "we see" now? There are two diametrically opposed views. Either it was "a glorious victory and the occasion and the beginning of larger and better things for the advent church" or it was "one of the saddest chapters in the history of the believers in present truth"? (Christian, P. 219; E.G.W. letter 179, 1902.) The difference between these two views is very great. It is imperative that Laodicea now come to "know thy works" and understand. "We" have the promise of Jesus, "For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see." Could anything in all the world be more important than to have that kind of sight now? The committee worked under the following title and was made up of the members listed below. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE 1888 EXPERIENCE COMMITTEE |
Willis J. Hackett, Chairman M. R. Thurber, Secretary J. J. Blanco Robert Haddock Mervyn Maxwell |
Jim Nix R. W. Schwarz D. K. Short E. K. VandeVere A. L. White Cape Town, April, 1974 |
Retyped and repaged differently from the original manuscript, and published privately by a concerned individual interested in Seventh-day Adventist history. Typographical errors are regretted. |
Table of Contents for The Mystery of 1888 | Chapter 1 |