Calvary At SinaiPaul Penno, Jr. |
This book is an excellent history of the events surrounding the 1888 General Conference held in Minneapolis during which A.T. Jones and E.J. Waggoner presented a message of Christ and His righteousness that has been referred to as "the beginning of the Later Rain" and "the third angels' message in verity." Pastor Paul Penno's history will be beneficial for anyone who wants to understand why we're still here in this world, and why the church is having a hard time accepting the "1888 message" of Christ and His righteousness, particularly the issue of the "two covenants." Edmund Burke famously stated: "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." After you've previewed the chapter below, you will want to download the entire book to read and study it carefully. It is a large PDF and, if you have a dial-up connection, will take a few minutes to download. If you don't want to print the entire book, it can be read and navigated inside the Adobe Acrobat Reader® via the chapter listings which appear on the left side of the Acrobat Reader window. And the document can be searched (for particular strings or single words) using the Acrobat Reader "Find" feature in the upper toolbar. |
Chapter 5Waggoner on GalatiansThe Sabbath School lessons were published in The Youth’s Instructor. From April-July, 1886, the topic was on the law. These lessons were authored by E. J. Waggoner. Elder Butler wrote to E. G. White about them: . . . . Elder Underwood and others have told me about the effect of the articles in the SIGNS and Sabbath School lessons, in various localities, and the Law in Galatians. The positions taken are causing great debate, and stirring up a spirit of discussion and controversy and making trouble.1 The Sabbath School lessons were set up on a question and answer format with a Bible text providing the answer. Waggoner asked:
Through this line of questioning, Waggoner identified the law in Galatians 3 as the Ten Commandments. Because these lessons were studied by the whole church it received a wider audience beyond the readership of the Signs. Thus, it provoked a lot of discussion. It put Elder Butler in a position where he felt he had to do something. If anything cemented Waggoner’s appointment with controversy, it was a nine-part series of articles on the law in Galatians 3 which he wrote for the Signs.3 This was the first comprehensive exposition he had published on that chapter. He believed that the law in Galatians 3 was the moral law. “There is probably no portion of Scripture which is more commonly supposed to give ‘aid and comfort’ to the enemies of the law of God, than the third chapter of Galatians.”4 But he reassured his readers if they would hear him out, they would discover it to be a strong bulwark in defense of God’s law. Abraham was the father of all faithful believers in Christ. The apostle Paul wrote:
In his own words Waggoner explained these verses:
Then Waggoner quoted Galatians 3:10 which Elders Butler, Canright, and Smith applied to the ceremonial law: “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.” He put his finger on biblical support for identifying the law here in this verse. Waggoner explained: “These words are quoted from Deut. 27:26, and Jer. 11:2-4, in both of which places they have unmistakable reference to the ten commandments.”7 The apostle Paul explained the curse of the law: “For Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, ‘Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree; that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” (Galatians 3:13, 14). The curse of the law was upon sin and disobedience resulting in death. Christ was made a curse for us so that through faith we might receive the blessing of Abraham. 1. Galatians 3:7-9. [back] 2. E. J. Waggoner, “Comments on Galatians 3. No. 1.” ST (July 8, 1886), p. 406. [back] 3. Ibid. [back] 4. G. I. Butler, Letter to Ellen G. White, August 23, 1886, Mount Vernon, Ohio. Emphasis his. [back]
5. E. J. Waggoner, “The Sabbath-School. Third Sabbath in July. Lesson 13.—Redeemed from the Curse of the Law,” The Youth’s Instructor 34, 26 (June 30, 1886), p. 103. [back] 6. This series ran from July 8-September 2, 1886. [back] 7. E. J. Waggoner, “Comments on Galatians 3. No. 1.” ST (July 8, 1886), p. 406. [back] |